In Scotland, uniquely, spouses/civil partners and children always have a right to inherit from the estate, even if they are deliberately left out of the Will. This is the law and they have up to 20 years to claim their 'legal rights' from the date of death. In this post we’ll show you how legal rights work, what you have to do as an executor, and how we can help you.
If you are the child or spouse of a deceased person that was not left a share of the estate as outlined below, you should be offered to claim your legal rights by the executor of the estate, with a note of the value. If you have not received this information, you should seek legal advice.
Legal rights, also referred to as the ‘legitim fund’, may have to be taken into account when the person who died has:
If there is a surviving spouse/civil partner and children, then it is almost certain that you will need to consider legal rights at some stage during the administration of the estate.
If the deceased wasn’t married and never had any children, then there are no legal rights to think about.
If there’s no Will, legal rights are taken into account
when the law dictates who inherits the estate.
Effort must be made to notify a family member of their entitlement, regardless of whether or not they were estranged from the deceased.
Executors would be held personally liable to pay these legal rights, with interest, should a claim ever be made in the future.
How much family members are entitled to depends on the family situation and does not apply to any property or land.
The spouse/civil partner is entitled to one-third of the estate, not including any property or land, with another third being split equally between the children (natural and adopted children have equal rights).
If a child died before the deceased, then their children are entitled to their parent's share.
The rest, including any property or land, will be distributed by the terms of the Will.
If there is no living spouse/civil partner, all children are entitled to an equal share of half the estate, not including any property or land.
If a child died first, then their children are entitled to their parent's share.
The rest, including any property, will be distributed by the terms of the Will.
If the person who died never had any children, then a spouse/civil partner is entitled to half of the estate, not including any property or land.
The rest, including any property, will be distributed by the terms of the Will.
If an unmarried partner is not provided for in a Will, they are not automatically entitled to anything.
If there is no Will, then an unmarried partner may apply to the court for a share in their estate.
They have 6 months from the date of death to do this and will need to hire a lawyer to apply for them.
There is no such thing as 'common-law marriage' in Scotland anymore, although if the relationship was formed prior to 2006 you may be able to get the court to establish a
"marriage by cohabitation with habit and repute" .
If someone claims their legal rights, they (and the executors) should be aware of the following:
Legal rights are calculated as follows:
If anyone has a potential legal rights claim, it is very important that executors make them aware of this. If they don't, they could be held personally liable to pay them their inheritance for up to 20 years after the death, with interest.
If a child died before the person whose estate you are dealing with, then their children would be entitled to their share.
If a beneficiary can't be found, there are services available that specialise in tracking down beneficiaries.
Although all known potential claimants must be notified, an executor is not expected to make extensive searches for unknown potential claimants. Unknown claimants would still have 20 years to make a claim, but they would have to pursue the beneficiaries for their inheritance, not the executor.
If potential legal rights claimants are happy to honour the terms of the Will and aren't claiming their legal rights, you should get them to sign a letter saying they are happy with this. This letter is officially called a ‘discharge of legal rights’. Sorting this out before you apply for confirmation makes it easier to fill in the forms, in some cases.
People signing away their legal rights should seek independent legal advice if they are in any way unsure of what they are doing - you should tell them this.
The age of legal capacity is 16 in Scotland, but for matters like this 18 is considered the ‘responsible age’. Executors may wish to hold back money until children turn 18 and can make a decision for themselves.
Alternatively, you could ask the other beneficiaries to sign a letter saying that they will pay currently-underaged beneficiaries in future, should they wish to claim their legal rights.
Although we don’t offer any personal advice on legal rights, as part of our
Probate Support Service, we can check your calculation and supply you with a template ‘discharge of legal rights’ letter for potential claimants to decline their legal rights.
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